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2 funny cases

1st case:today mornin i woke up at 7.30am cuz my mum wan to go "lap"=the items at IOI Mall Jusco (got sale la no nid ask -7 April 2009) i go in take trolley the waiting to go in... inside that time i waited like an idiot cuz my mum go c handbags @@" after that sumthing embarrassing happened (ask me if u wan to know hehe)after that i suddenly saw Cik Chin Wai Ling there queuing to pay money WAU! come bac home around 12.30 my heart pumping like hell cuz 12.40pm not at skul start working will get scold de le..
Case 2:at skul liao..then bertugas...nth special happen la -.-after that go bac class Maths but the teacher sorethroat ok liao de..B4 rehat jason tell me sumthing gud for him but not for me Wanna noe wat mah???Here comes~~~Desmond was toking to Pn Mazlina(our Bm teacher) and she was asking who i like ..Jason tell her(i think) i like *** then i think i should buy a coffin 1st Bm that time the jason keep tell teacher...then teacher reali tease 99 me stupid dau..